Primary Objective
Suicide Prevention & Awareness
Suicide is a complex problem for which there is no single cause. It results from a complex interaction of biological, genetical, psychological, social, cultural and environmental factors. It has no racial or class distinction.
Talking Helps
A person who is depressed feels isolated and alone with his or her problem. At times like this talking about their stressful situation with a non-judgmental, accepting, understanding and caring person can throw a different light on the situation and help to diffuse the suicidal impulse.
How we Help
By Listening & Befriending.
People faced with an emotional crisis mostly require informal and confidential emotional support. A friend who has the time to listen, does not advice or criticize, but helps the person to come to terms with the situation and feel confident to cope with it.
Emotional Health
In general, it can be said that people with good emotional health are in control of their behavior and their emotions. Emotionally healthy people are more than capable of handling the challenges of life, building good relationships with people and in general, living fulfilling lives. They are more able to cope with difficult situations in life, are very much capable of bouncing back and moving on. People who are emotionally healthy, generally tend to display a feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life; a zeal for living and having fun; the capability to deal with stress better and not to get held back in times of adversity. Read more>>
Emotional Well-being
Overcoming Depression
Learning to Cope